Monday, January 13, 2003


I feel like a ghost who's trying to move your hands over some oujia board in the hopes I can spell out my name

On What Could Just Possibly Have Been the Greatest Week of the Year to Date: I know what you're thinking. "Marc. You're an idiot. It hasn't been that long of a year so far, right? Fuck off with this 'best week of the year' shit, eh? It's trite and stupid." Duly noted, kids. But, come on, when you've had the past five or so days (give or take a few) that I have just gone through you can't help but feel good about yourself. I was doing the 'hibbity-do-wa-lu' all day long around the apartment today as I cleaned up the messes that have accrued recently. And by recently I basically mean yesterday and today. The scratch on my hand from the cat is subsiding, though not without a scab that itches, and the sore throat that I woke up with yesterday morning is slowly going away. Or not. It's hard to tell.

Either way you scratch it, I think I've actually learned alot about myself, both through things I've done and through others' insights, these past few days. Maybe someday we can sit down over a cup of joe and talk it all over.

On Feeling As Though I Should Be Doing Homework, Though Tomorrow Is the First Day of the New Semester: All day long, between the skipping breaks and the singing breaks, I've had this unshakeable feeling that I'd forgotten to do a paper or something. I can't explain it. I can only hope that it goes away by the end of my classes tomorrow night. That, and I'm completely broke. I'll set up a relief fund in my name later this week, and give you a po box number where you can mail me cash, checks, credit card numbers, and selected foodstuffs. Any help would be appreciated.

On Not Being Able to Decide Which Backpack to Take To Class: It speaks for itself, right? Which one do I take? Shouldbag or Backpack? Oh. The dilema.


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