Monday, July 01, 2002


while marc was sitting and farting in my air conditioned apartment yesterday, i was driving home from a sweaty hour of work. while i was driving home, i stopped at a red stoplight behind the rest of the traffic. while i was stopped at the light, my car was rearended by an idiot limo driver. while my car was rearended, i was swearing uncontrollably and shaking my fists. while i was swearing, i was looking directly at the idiot limo driver in my rearview mirror. while i was looking at the idiot limo driver, he was cringing in his stupid little company seat. while he was cringing, my car gathered over 1000 dollars worth of damage. while my car was damaged, my week immediately got a lot busier. while my week got busier, marc was sitting and farting in my air conditioned apartment. yesterday.



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