Sunday, June 30, 2002


Naperville, Illinois

I'm sitting in Scooter's living room right now, alone. He's at work, or sitting somewhere in some building handing out canoes to people, or whatev. He said, "come with, it'll be fun" but I said, "fuck no, it's hot as shit outside, screw that crap, i'm staying indoors". And thusly, I am here.

Zook's little graduation party was bomb last night. Free beer was neatly laid out in a series of four coolers all with labels taped to the coolers corresponding to what type of beer could be found in that cooler. We have Mr. Zook to thank for that, bless his soul. Also, one of Zook's uncles whooped the hell out of me and Scoot at a horseshoe game on this seriously dilapidated (though recently built) horseshoe setup. Everytime the shoe hit the backboard the damn thing would damn well fall apart. Yeah. Not so much with the horseshoes these past five to fifteen years. Maybe I should start to practice a bit more.

There's all kinds of other things I could tell you about, I guess. I did whine a new pair of shoes out of my parent's along with a lot of free beer at the summer festival on Friday night. That's what they get for firing me, right? I've been told that I should cram as much work as humanly possible into these next two weeks as I can, cause after that it's finito for me. No job. Back in Losersville with my old, bad self. I heard that a Borders was opening up in Bloomtown sometime soon, so I may look into that prospect coming up. Maybe not. I'm not really worried about it yet, but I know I will be in about two weeks.

Just FYI, farting and pooping stories are still the best thing to happen ... like ever. No matter how many times you've told/heard a fart/pooping story it's still funny, and you guys all know that what I'm saying is the truth and that you talk about it, too. You just don't like to talk about how you talk about it. Yeah. You're all too cool. Grow down.

And, finally, I heard Matt was dressed up in a dog suit yesterday for the grand opening of some new Petco store in St Louis. I would've paid a million pesos to have seen that with my polaroid in tow. Cheers, kids. Until we meet again.


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