Friday, May 31, 2002


the sleeping human is a truly amazing entity.

in that state of deep mental/physical rejuvination, we are capable of some very interesting things.. at the least. we are all familiar with the incredible oddities that our minds come up with during the night, from the simple morphing of those various shapes in the corner, to the absurd dream sequences that we know would make for great conversation the next day, if we could only remember what they were. we can move, speak, and even walk around while sleeping, which can also provide more stories for the kids. i bring this up not to bore you with shit we all know about, but merely to include you on the weirdness that is mr. scooter mcboober. asleep.

last night i woke up to the sound and feeling of me, myself, laughing uncontrollably. i continued to laugh for a couple of minutes, which in the middle of the night is a big deal, considering we usually just roll over and fall back asleep in 10 seconds or so... even after the craziest of mental experiences. but apparently i came up with an ultimate joke. one for the masses. one that i would share, today and every day after, with anyone and everyone so that they (you) could all realize what a comical genius i am. i was so sure of myself that i swore i wouldn't forget what it was i was laughing about. it was that good. sometimes i'll quickly write that kind of stuff down so i can see what strange things i came up with the next morning. i'm a lame-o like that. but not last night. nope, not the best joke ever in the history of ever, ever. last night i did the worst thing a sleeping human can do in such a situation: i fell back asleep.

so guess what? all i'm left with is this awful let down of a story, minus the figurative, and literal, punch line.


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