Wednesday, April 03, 2002



I saw Panic Room tonight, and was thoroughly impressed, though the theatre I saw it in was a bit small, and in spite of the fact that the seats didn't recline. I mean, jeez, how're we supposed to be comfortable in these crappy, central Illinois movie theatres, you know? It's like we're cattle, being herded in and shot in the ear with tags and stuff. Inhumane, I tells you. Completely inhumane.


The movie was a thriller, through thick and thin it kept you on the edge of your seat, and even though some parts were pretty predictable, you still got that nervous feeling in your stomach, and when you go home, you want to search your residence and make sure that you're not missing out on a possible panic room, and yadda yadda yadda. Good film. See it. You won't be disappointed.

Besides that, I had a great night all around, though it's only 2:00am, and I'll probably still be up for quite a while. Just an all-around killer evening. Way to go ... me. Alright.

It's still windy and cold around here, too, which kind of sucks. On the one hand, it means we still get to curl up underneath both comforters and blankets, but, on the other hand, it means that we still have to layer the clothing for walks to and from classes. Who knows why we're still wearing stocking caps and coats on April 3rd? Huh? Anyone? Beuller?

Whatev. I feel a bit delirious right now. Maybe I should try reading Harriet the Spy.


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