Wednesday, October 24, 2001

Zook Incandenza

On paper you hate her, but to her face you're a savior.

Well played, Mr. N. Lyrically, that's aces. That's good stuff.

I'd like to welcome Matt Fast***1*** to the fold. Here you will now find the new slang and reviews of Music that almost always end up saying "this fucking sucks". Unless it's Rival Schools, for some reason. My opinion of Rival Schools: If Gideon Yago from MTV wears one of your shirts under a blazer on television***2***, you might want to rethink your entire approach to music. It means you blow. Does that mean that if G.Y wore a Dismemberment Plan t-shirt under a blazer on MTV that they would suck too? I think if you asked them they would give you an emphatic Marv-Albert style "Yes"***3***.

Somebody Give GregStatic a hug.

I guess this means I'll have to start BLARGINg at midnight again, just to be even close to the top of the page.

Lotsa comments about this Alkaline Trio email that is floating about...I know only this: it reads like a high school breakup note and is in turn funny/sad/funny/sad/sad/sad/funny/sad/genius in its sadness/funny/funny/sad. 5 parts funny, 6 parts sad.

I just yelled "SHIT!" in the computer lab. People are staring at me.

Next five people who would fall off the face of the earth in a perfect world: Norm Charlton who pitches for the Mariners and is contending that the Mariners are better than the Yankees even though they lost to them in the playoffs; anything/anyone amplified; whoever made me wait this long for
Change; This girl in my methods class who talks about servicing rock stars in their tour buses and then complains about the fact that her gossiping has gotten her blackballed***4***; and your choice.

***!***You think he's making that name up, but really he's not. His brother's name is Richard Fast, which in the 1920's would have gotten him the name Dick Fast. My high school geometry teacher's name was "Duane Butts" and he had a brother named Richard too. Dick Butts. I can hear Scott agreeing.
***3***And it counts.
***4***Pun intended or unintended, depending on which story she is telling. And the sad part, the really sad part is that she is going to be teaching kids some day about how to be somewhat moral (I mean, school has to teach some generally accepted paradigms, i.e. You don't talk about your sex life loud enough for people who you don't know). Really, actually, the sad part is that the bands she considers "rock stars" are such luminaries as the local band the Last Vegas and Fuel and three doors down. Ech.


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