Sweet, sweet sleep. Where have you gone? Only two more assignments to finish before bed. I'm beginning to think that working for the weekend might not have been the smartest option. So much stuff piled up ... doesn't seem like it'll ever go away. Tomorrow, after classes and observations are all over, I'm going to lay down on the couch, with a beer in one hand, and a Playstation controller in the other. And I'm going to play TonyHawk2 until I can't stand it anymore. I'll take polaroid snapshots as proof.
The CountrySlut upstairs made a big deal about me being loud with the amp and the guitar and the rock after midnight. Funny thing is that I haven't played my electric guitar for about two weeks, and I haven't even been here for three days, and she didn't even have the goddamn common courtesy to ask me to stop to my face. She comes downstairs and asks for roomie Jeff who wasn't home at the time. She leaves no message as she turns to head upstairs. After he gets home and I tell him she stopped by and he goes upstairs to find out what she wanted, he sits down and tells me that she wants me to stop playing my guitar at night. Where was I when she came down? On the couch reading Rebecca for class. Not a sound coming from anywhere in the apartment ***1***. She couldn't tell me to my face? She really had to go through a third party? Fucking ridiculous ***2***. I was so fucking furious at how cowardly her little demand was I got up, put my shoes on, went upstairs and told her off. Choice phrases were "just say it to my face ... you're 21, for fuck's sake" and "weak". I don't understand how this girl lives her life like she does. Her boyfriend was laying on the bed the whole time, giving me the "better watch what you say eyes" ***3***. Its amazing that I'm 22 years old. I feel like I'm treated like I'm four sometimes.
***1*** Can't stand reading when there's other noises happening. Too much to concentrate on. That's why I read when no one else is home.
***2*** Especially considering the fact that I'm being quiet as a deaf, blind, and dumb slug. The hamster escaped from the cage earlier in the evening, but I caught her before she could bust out her drumset and start pounding away.
***3*** This is the same guy that she's worried about because he's joining a band. "I just want everything to work out alright between us," she says. "I don't want anything to get between us." How about I buy you a noose for his next birthday, b-otch? Or a leash, maybe? What a fucking dumbass.
Sweet, sweet sleep. Where have you gone? Only two more assignments to finish before bed. I'm beginning to think that working for the weekend might not have been the smartest option. So much stuff piled up ... doesn't seem like it'll ever go away. Tomorrow, after classes and observations are all over, I'm going to lay down on the couch, with a beer in one hand, and a Playstation controller in the other. And I'm going to play TonyHawk2 until I can't stand it anymore. I'll take polaroid snapshots as proof.
The CountrySlut upstairs made a big deal about me being loud with the amp and the guitar and the rock after midnight. Funny thing is that I haven't played my electric guitar for about two weeks, and I haven't even been here for three days, and she didn't even have the goddamn common courtesy to ask me to stop to my face. She comes downstairs and asks for roomie Jeff who wasn't home at the time. She leaves no message as she turns to head upstairs. After he gets home and I tell him she stopped by and he goes upstairs to find out what she wanted, he sits down and tells me that she wants me to stop playing my guitar at night. Where was I when she came down? On the couch reading Rebecca for class. Not a sound coming from anywhere in the apartment ***1***. She couldn't tell me to my face? She really had to go through a third party? Fucking ridiculous ***2***. I was so fucking furious at how cowardly her little demand was I got up, put my shoes on, went upstairs and told her off. Choice phrases were "just say it to my face ... you're 21, for fuck's sake" and "weak". I don't understand how this girl lives her life like she does. Her boyfriend was laying on the bed the whole time, giving me the "better watch what you say eyes" ***3***. Its amazing that I'm 22 years old. I feel like I'm treated like I'm four sometimes.
***1*** Can't stand reading when there's other noises happening. Too much to concentrate on. That's why I read when no one else is home.
***2*** Especially considering the fact that I'm being quiet as a deaf, blind, and dumb slug. The hamster escaped from the cage earlier in the evening, but I caught her before she could bust out her drumset and start pounding away.
***3*** This is the same guy that she's worried about because he's joining a band. "I just want everything to work out alright between us," she says. "I don't want anything to get between us." How about I buy you a noose for his next birthday, b-otch? Or a leash, maybe? What a fucking dumbass.
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