Sunday, October 14, 2001


"Baby, baby!"

Yesterday, for the first time, I met Leighan W. - a four month old little treasure. She's the daughter of a few friends of mine, and I swear I could've stayed all day playing "find where the toy went" with her. Absolutely captivating. Poor little thing can roll, but only to her left, and they're trying to teach her to roll right. You can see her trying to work her brain around the problem, and her legs wiggle and wiggle, but no right-rolls come. If I can somehow snag and scan a copy of the two of us together, I will. Cute, cute, cute.

My little brother, I shit you not, sleeps less than 3 vertical inches away from the ceiling. He bought himself a bed from IKEA and put it together, but somehow it stands within inches of the ceiling. I doubt I could even climb up there if I wanted to. I definitely couldn't roll over if I found my way in. The bed just seems so strange to me, because its so high off the ground, and I can't really see any practical purpose for it being that high, and I also can't see a purpose for him having a bed like that when he has a room all to himself. I guarantee he's going to regret it when he starts taking girls down to his room with him. By my calculations, that should be happening within the next year or so.

I saw the guy who tried to convert me three times, on three seperate nights this weekend. And, someone I use to work with in high school is now the weekend anchorwoman at some TV station in northern Wisconsin. And, I fooled my friend, Westphal, into a vodka shot (plus some) last night. I was driving, so there was no way I was going do one, but there was also no way I was going to get her to be able to do it without me "doing" one as well. I ask the bartender to give me two shots of vodka (for her and Fort Collins Colorado Ben), and two shots of water (for myself and my girl Angie). Booya. Smoove, eh?