Friday, September 21, 2001


Welcome to art class and yes it does involve shaking yer ass.

44. Bedhead--Transaction de Novo
I have nothing to say about this, it has lasted in my collection only cos Deadpan wouldn't buy it back.

I'll say only this: sometimes a man needs to ask questions to refresh his memory. I, in no way, pretended to not be an OK dart tosser. OK was proven in the fact that I had the game in the palm of my hand yet could only get 1 of 3 needed bullseyes to capture the title. I'll say only this: rematch Wednesday at the show. I'll add only this: Triple 20's is my calling card.

Don't spill full Wild Cherry Pepsi containers all over yerself and then wear the pants all day cos you don't have time to get home. I'm sticky, and my trousers are pasted with a sort of greenish film. Drag.

Had to give the Strokes album back....if I had needle marks you'd think I was an addict.

Next five: "is this it" by the strokes; "for nancy (cos it already is)" by pete yorn; "art CLASS" by superchunk; "black cow" by steely dan; and "triple 15's are harder to get than a good post from ATR" by lois in lane.

in the stereo: typing of keys***1***

***1***the stain on my pants is coupled with the dropping of my cd player. No tunes, as my dad would say.


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