Tuesday, August 14, 2001


Someone in Belgium read this page today. And someone typed in "akranoid" at Google.com and was directed here. Having a tracker is so much fun.

I Bet You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You That I've Been Saved: As I drove back to the city from Corvallis today, I was flipping through the utterly depressing span of FM stations, and ended up on a lame-ass Christian talk program for a bit (know your enemy, folks). They kept blabbing on and on about how God's loving and caring, and about having a personal relationship with Jesus (who's been dead for 2000 years now, and is probably pretty tapped out on the whole personal relationship deal). Their program ended with some kind of strange "Have you been saved? Have you accepted JC as your personal savior?"-type propaganda (and I'm not trying to be offensive here, I'm just saying). It threw me directly back to a short pier over the Pacific Ocean on January 2, 1997. I was out in Los Angeles on vacation with my family (we did some horrid job with a float for the Rose Bowl Parade - I skipped out on most of it, instead taking pictures of the 500+ other saps in the room cutting roses to bits and glueing them to the sides of what looked like gargantuan paper-mache (sp?) monstrosities for a front page article in my town's local, weekly newspaper). We were just kind of hanging out, getting a good look at the Bounty of the Sea, when this guy (I'll never forget how he looked - brown corduroys, white t-shirt, blue blazer with those horrific brown patches over the elbows) saunters up to me and says "Have you accepted JC as your personal savior?" I just kind of stare blankly back (the only thoughts that I had at the time concerned my band, my girlfriend, and moving away from home). "No," I finally said. "Would you like to accept him into your life, become absolved of all earthly sins, be saved ... blah, blah, blah?" I couldn't believe it at first. Here was this absolute stranger (who looked like an absolute cod) offering me eternal salvation - for free. When in Rome ... "Sure". I figured there was probably no other way to get the guy off my back, so why not indulge. All he did was put his palm on my forehead, said some kind of strange little prayer, and then asked me "do you now renounce your sins and accept Jesus Christ into your life?" Of course, I replied in the affirmative, and then that was it. I was saved. At least for a little while.

My whole point, I guess, is that I'm not worried about defaming the Bible or the 2 main players b/c when it all comes down to it, I'm practically in Heaven already (assuming of course that there is a Heaven). and if you're taking any of this seriously, you're a fool