Monday, August 04, 2003


I've never had the opportunity to say that before. My wife is hula-hooping. -- Scooter McB, 8/2/03

Ogallala, Nebraska
One. Terrorism has finally, and very acutely, affected my life. I know that you may immediately think of all my plane travels, but that's the wrong route. Every week I fill out and send in travel vouchers which have itemized lists of my expenses and have copies of my receipts as well. I mail them directly to my boss in Washington DC. Per the anthrax attacks a few years ago, they nuke (or radiate) a major portion of the mail heading into the capitol for preventitive measures. My travel voucher from a few weeks ago was in that batch, and apparently much of it was burned beyond recognition somehow. Without my receipts, it is unlikely that I will be compensated for my travel, but I think I may have the situation under control. I can't imagine that it would've cost me more money than I would've made to work one week if things don't work out.

Two. Speaking of flying, I didn't fly this week. I was supposed to, but after my second flight cancellation in two days, I said Fuck it and got in my car and drove from Chicago to Nebraska. Now, I'm near the border of Colorado and Nebraska, and the Honda has 900 extra miles on it with many more to go. But I am without the fear of a cancelled flight or another lost bag. I spent over 24 hours in transit from Hawaii last weekend only to find out that one of my flights was cancelled and two of my bags were lost for three hours. I'm done with airlines after next week, at least until I go broke and start this job again.

Three. I highly recommend getting less than four hours of REM-less sleep within a 24 hour span whilst doing something harrowing and unenjoyable, such as flying, and then following it up immediately by going carousing and boozing with your friends. Highly recommend. The beautiful and talented Jenn and Annie had a double-birthday bash on Saturday and it was awes. Can you say "free beer"? Can you say "free foods"? Can you say "free boobs"?

Four. Speaking of those chicks over at MFGL, I need to remind one of them that she is under contractual agreement to write about multiple real-life contacts with the amazing, the unbelievable, Zach The Lego Maniac. And, no, this is not a veiled jab at Zach the Hero guy. I'm talking about the real ZTLM. C'mon, Jenn. Get that shit down in 1s and 0s.

Up Next: Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys; Sportscenter by ESPN; and, The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit by Sloan Wilson.
Tomorrow: Imperial NE. Hill City KS. Hoisington KS.


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