Friday, April 25, 2003


I don't think it's the cameramens' faults. Bigfoot is just blurry. -- Mitch Hedberg

One. Not quite sure how to say this. There's this guy/kid that goes to the bar we frequent on Thursday nights. He's always there by himself, standing in the corner, and he never talks to anyone. I've always had this sympathetic, and somewhat empathetic, kind of feeling for the guy. For starters, he goes to the bars all by himself, which is something I don't think I could ever bring myself to do. To me, that takes balls. The only time you'll ever see me walk into a bar alone is when I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that there will be people meeting me there. Second, he's done this way more than just a few times. But still, I've never seen him actually talk to anyone (see section two). So, tonight we finagled (sp?) a way to sort of invite him to hang out with our group of friends. I don't know, even as I write this, how good I feel about the whole thing. On the one hand, we did it in kind of this man-to-man, hey that's guy's not talking to anyone type way, and you feel like you possibly made someone's night by just trying to talk to them (see section three). But, on the other hand, I hope the kid didn't get the feeling that we were talking to him out of pity, which it kind of felt like sometimes. It's hard to explain. I've seen the kid walking around that part of town an awful lot, and I've always thought to myself, "He looks like a nice guy ... I just never see him talking to anyone. Wish I could find a way to just say 'hello' maybe once." Oh well, right? Tried, I guess.

Two. So, we find a way to get the kid to come talk to us, and he does, and he introduces himself, and things get rolling. There's probably a reason he doesn't talk to too many people -- and I want to state for the record here that I'm not in any way making fun of him -- but he's got this really hesitant, really unsure way of speaking. Try to talk about school. Try to talk about sports. He's a Cubs fan. That's good. Talk about basketball. Talk about music. But, for the most part, he's pretty one-wordish in his answers, and generally kind of shy. Intimidated, maybe. He's surrounded by about ten of us, and we'd already destroyed the one table we had been sitting at. I would've been intimidated, too.

Three. I've always felt like I should be a bit more outgoing myself, though I'm not talking about the way I interact with the people I already know. I'm ridiculously judgemental. Ask anyone who writes on this page (please don't use that statement as a way to make fun of me, guys), and I'm sure they'll agree. I'm being brutally honest. I just wish, at times, that I could figure out how to be more open and communicative towards people that I don't know. I have no idea what it is/was about this kid that made me feel like we should give him an ear, or whatev, but we did. And, trust me, I'm not trying to take the credit, cause I didn't have enough guts to go up and approach him on my own. It was more of a bring him over here and I'll try talking to him type thing.

Four. Now, as I begin to get ready to go to sleep, I kind of feel bad about the whole thing. He probably did get that pity sense, which is exactly the opposite of how I wanted all of us to come across. I even told him, as he was getting ready to take off, "hey, I know I see you in here a lot, so if you ever want to come over and hang out, feel free." I just have this unshakeable feeling coming over me, like I made a huge jackass out of myself completely unintentionally.

Up Next: Denali's self-titled album; Give Up by the Postal Service; and, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco.
Tomorrow: I will learn the phonetic (?) alphabet. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, M-something, N-something, Oscar, P-something, Q-something, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, U-something, Victor, Whiskey, X-something, Yankee, Zulu. Maybe.


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