Wednesday, March 26, 2003


hey friends.

i probably shouldn't be posting this, but i can't help but share it... after a couple 7th graders were fooling around in a computer tech class a few weeks back, they created this little nugget of awesomity:

title: history of butts
created: 3/10/03
note: the butt was first manufactured in the late 1600's by sir buttalots in the eastern part of buttsylvania. this creation lead to the discovery of feces, or poop, as it is more commonly called today. on a seperate, but very valid note, c.n.c. stands for computer numerical control, also known in butt world as crap not carp.

i enjoyed this so much i asked the teacher if i could make a copy. notice how the two boys made a strong attempt at staying on task, yet couldn't help but regress to, quote, "butt world." that's my favorite part.. perhaps because i can completely relate to their struggles.

if that's not good enough for you, visit one or more of these useless sites:
or here.


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