Tuesday, April 09, 2002


have you ever wondered where you came from?

not just some elementary wonderment here, i mean have you ever truly sat and thought about who your decendants are; who those people are that came before you... far before even when that 4th grade attempt at a family tree traced you back a century, at best, in time. who your greatest of great grandparents are. who, in the history of the concept of time, existed so that you could exist. and who, out of all people of all time everywhere and everywhen, might be even slightly related to you. there are those who believe that we're all related to each other in some way, and to a certain extent, i suppose i believe that too. but that's not what i'm talking about here. what i'm really asking, is who do you think is the most famous person you're related to?

i got thinking about this, cuz i'm scooter and that's what i do, and i've pretty much convinced myself that at least one of my relatives was a king or a queen. which means, in my mind, that i'm a king. no joke. i'm basically a king. because at some point in time, some point for sure, somebody throughout the history of all histories had to have been a king/queen and related to me at the same exact time. it's not only possible, it's probable. and since they were once a ruler, then i am a ruler's decendant, which means that i, too, must be some sort of king.

i'm a king.


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