Friday, April 12, 2002


Only when we've lost everything, are we free to do anything.

I blame my defunct DVD player for ruining my night, at least earlier. It's been kind of a roller coaster, up and down, in and out, kind of evening. Spent time earlier with one of the lovely ladies over at The BluJean, but our evening was unexpectedly cut short (for the second time) by an inept mechanical apparatus. Phooey. I feel bad for two reasons -- (1) this is the second time that Fight Club has crapped out on us, which isn't so bad for me, cause I've seen it a bijillion times, but our poor friend hasn't, and is curious about what happens, and she's not laughing at the jokes that only the people that've seen it all the way through would get, and I feel bad, cause I'm laughing, kind of uncomfortably, cause I don't want to give anything away, but I feel like I am, though I'm not 100% sure that I am, blah blah, and (2) this is my DVD player, and if it craps out on me for good I'm going to be (a) pissed (b) heartbroken, and (c) downtrodden, because you buy it and you say (paraphrasing), "that's it, that's the last [DVD player] I'm ever going to need, if anything else comes up at least I know I've got that [DVD player] issue resolved". Petty and clever, huh?

Then, as if that wasn't enough, the drunkards call from the bar, and they want a ride, which means I have to go get them -- which isn't so bad, cause I told them I'd get them, but still, it was an interruption, and I wasn't sure as to how much I wanted to hang out with drunk people at that exact moment, cause, you see, I hadn't had a drop of the sweet stuff all night, which we'll address later. So, I went and picked them up, and they were all there, standing outside, not noticing our cars drive by, so we park, and I signal to them, and they start meandering towards us, and only three of them are smart enough to realize that there are two cars, instead of just one. The rest of the five to seven people were all desperately trying to cram into a two door Volkswagen of some sort, which was just a ridiculous idea -- I mean, we brought two cars for a reason, right? Ugh. Idiots. I love them all, but they're idiots, and it made me think about how ridiculous I look when I'm with them on nights like that, all sloshed, making little to no sense when I talk, and then I forgive them, because they're all just beautiful little (ignorant) angels.

Feel like I'm on a roll.

And, due to length constraints, I'll sum the rest of the evening up on a point by point basis. Here goes:
(1) Stood out on the driveway, trying to harass cops, and eventually got one to come over, at which point Sean told the cop he was only sixteen, and told the cop that he was a "thrasher", as well as many other glorious, hilarious, completely off handed things.
(2) Everyone went to go play in the construction site next door, and I kept an eye out for cops, warning them that, yeah, maybe banging the big ass crane hook against the bare walls was maybe a (really really) bad idea, and that they should maybe think about giving up the ghost and come on down.
(3) Walked across the street where we saw (a) Dumb and Dumber playing on a stoop, where some dudes had rigged up a tv and Playstation 2 from their apartment, and were happily watching movies in the beautiful springtime air [75 degrees farenheit, folks -- I'm still wearing shorts -- a perfect day] (b) Some girl sing this fucking fantastic gospel version of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". Seriously, thumbs up, it was great. (c) some people that recognized Sean, and suddenly we were whisked away to --
(4) Some random party about five blocks away, at two in the morning, which turned out not to be a party at all, and we kind of stood there against the siding, looking around, going, "what the hell are we doing here?" at which point we turned tail and walked home.

I reiterate -- no alcohol for me tonight. I'll actually remember all of this tomorrow morning when I wake up. Can a brain become too full of information?


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