Sunday, March 10, 2002


So, much to the glee of everyone that's been ripping on my hair for ... oh ... the past six months, it's mostly all gone. I left some on the top, in drastically reduced lengths. I just kind of took the clippers, set it on 4 and went to town around the sides and back. It looked like I'd killed a small dog once I was all done with that, not to mention piling the rest from the top. Yikes. I hope PETA doesn't read this.

My neighbor, Reid, saw me when I was finished and was amazed that a male could cut his own hair, and not just buzz it all off and call it a haircut. Me? I've always prided myself on not relying on hair stylists and whatnot. Since I moved to Bloomington-Normal in 1997, I've gotten two ... count 'em -- 2! paid haircuts here. The first one, in '98, was so bad, I went straight back to my dorm room and shaved it all off. The second one happened over the summer, right after I quit my job, and was mostly just a trim job. Nothing special, and I kept it, but don't ever plan on going back there. I can cut my hair just fine, thank you very much. I guess I should say I can cut my own hair, so long as I have roommates that are able to tell me if it's even or not in the back. Kind of hard to tell when you're poking around with your fingers, trying to discern whether or not you've missed a spot. Maybe I should buy one of those big, hand held mirrors like the barbers have. Maybe you should buy me one of those and send it to me. Huh? Sound like a good idea?

Didn't think so. I'll shut up now.


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