Tuesday, March 05, 2002


Alright. This will be short. Instead of being (as per usual) long winded, I will say first to slide that bar on the right on down and check out yesterday. It was the most productive we've been in quite a while. Everyone, save Scooter, checked in twice. Nice.

The only thing I really want to say is that I was nearly coerced into smoking weed tonight, for the first time ... ever. I know, I know. I'm sure, for as much as I drink or talk about drinking, that many of you might have just assumed ***1*** that I've smoked weed before. Maybe you thought I smoke weed all the time, but I regretfully inform you that I don't. I haven't. I won't ever, probably. But it wasn't anyone in the apartment that almost convinced me to do it. It wasn't memories of my old band from high school, and the surrounding crew of people, that always used to tell me they'd pay me to smoke weed. It wasn't anyone I've spent copious amounts of time with. It was a paper that I read for my writing class, written by a guy that lives in the apartment two floors above ours. And it was fucking incredible. Absolutely hilarious, well written, with the lexicon of a genuine pro. And it was making me think that I should be smoking marijuana, and experiencing that whole thing that surrounds it.

But I didn't. I can't. I still hate smoking, and smoke of any kind, in general, and am not comfortable with carcinogens rolling down my throat. Consequently, I will go to bed un-stoned.

***1*** assuming you spend time thinking about us whilst you're not reading this ... which is kind of creepy now that I think about it ... ew ... nevermind.


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