Monday, March 04, 2002


I am the King of the Idiots:
Woke up early (8:30am) to go do my tutoring gig. Pulled into the parking lot at the local high school, realized it was empty, realized that school was cancelled for the day, and drove back home. It was 2 degrees outside this morning! 2. Think about that. That's only two degrees above zero, but figure in the wind chill and it crept down to minus 15 degrees. I mostly felt bad for my poor little car, struggling in the cold to start.
(2) I couldn't stop there. I couldn't go back to bed, though it was 9:15 when I got home and I didn't have class until Noon. I still had six chapters left to read in Tom Sawyer, which wasn't all that hard to finish, but I do officially hate that book and regret the day I signed up for that class. But I'm still getting an A in it, so it's not that bad.
(3) You'd think, after all that, that I might have been able to catch some more shut-eye, right? Wrong. Jonathan Kozol's Savage Inequalities needed my attention. I'm supposed to have it finished for tomorrow, which means I only have 200 more pages to read tonight before I go to bed. But, to go to bed, I have to read two more pieces from my writing class and respond to them, and do laundry, but I have no quarters.
(4) Last night, while I wasn't reading Tom Sawyer or Savage Inequalities, I was writing a paper for the aforementioned children's literature class, which I thought was due today, at Noon. Not so. Due Wednesday. Why am I so stupid and unorganized?
(5) Finally, I didn't read two of the education articles I was supposed to have read for my Curriculum and Instruction class at 3. I read the two before them, because I skipped class last Monday (I was sick), and he cancelled class on Wednesday, so I was all fucked up schedule wise. I knew we were going to have a quiz on something in class, but I didn't bother finding out on what. But, luckily, just like everything else, we didn't have the quiz. He gave it to us for take home.

Yes, I know I'm alive, and I just can't figure out why.

My day, for the most part, has been like this -- up and down, up and down. I'm so tired right now, but I cannot fall asleep. So much more work to do.


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