Friday, February 22, 2002


Oh my weird.

We roll with way too many dudes, but there's honestly no one that could be cut. We were all here last night, in full force, coming straight from downtown Bloomington. Dollar pitchers, once again. Can't complain, though the time seemed to fly by, but at least there was a hot dog stand outside. Mmm. We come back here, and its the usual horseplay and silliness. Everyone's had too much to drink. We're all talking shit about stuff, and blah blah. I go into the bedroom, grab Alkaline Trio's "Goddamnit", throw it into the cd player in the living room, and all hell breaks loose.

There were people jumping onto piles of other people. There were people standing on the arms of couches, making rock poses and singing along. There were people playing cards, dropping their cards, and jumping headfirst over the couches to join in. I was sitting down, talking to my upstairs neighbor, waiting to join. She stood up to leave before she got hurt, and I went in. Cover me.

In the aftermath, our cushions are spread throughout the room, and my "Guy Looking Sad Over Bread" painting is ruined. We also broke a leg off our coffeetable, but we have no regrets here. It was worth it. Let's just hope that wasn't the highlight of our weekend.


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