Monday, February 18, 2002


Let's be honest with each other -- two hour naps, though tantalizing and oft initially refreshing, don't do much for the old system in the end. My eyes still feel like lead, and absolutely just like every nap before, Al came into the kitchen and decided to wash dishes, thus waking me up. At least the Cuba episode of the Simpson's was on tonight, and I got to guffly reintroduce myself by saying, "Mr. Burns ... I think we can trust the president of Cuba." Mmm ... Cuba.

I finally got reunited with my tutoring student today, after a nearly month long separation, and I'm glad to report that she's doing well, and she needed help with writing, and she won the fight that got her suspended. I didn't want to make too much of it, like saying, "Aw yeah! Way to fucking go!" But I think that's awesome that she at least thinks she won the fight that got her suspended for five days. My student, the scrapper. We worked on writing a thesis statement for an English paper. Pure gold, I tells ya. If she doesn't get an A, I'll hold myself personally responisble.

Besides that, not much else to report. The day was long. I was so fucking tired from being up so late last night and then having to wake up so early this morning. Never again. I will now get regular amounts of sleep until next Monday when I have to go back.

Alright. I'll stop so Zook and Scoot and Matt won't bitch about how much space I take up. But they prolly won't write anyways, so who gives a shit?


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