Tuesday, July 17, 2001


I'm stuck at the ass-end of the USA in Lafeyette, Louisiana. Fuck this.

The only upside is that I got to watch a PBS documentary on Air Force One tonight. How do people that make documentaries almost always bring tears to my eyes? Remember me talking about crying after I watched the doc. on the 1980 USA Hockey Team? I shed a tear tonight at some "Justice File" story about some dude whose daughter had been kidnapped. Luckily, nothing escaped my ocular cavities during the Air Force One special, but it was pretty touch-n-go there for awhile. I especially got choked up during an interview w/Bill Clinton. Bless that man. We need more presidents like him. Fuck W. That guys a GradeA D-Bag.

So, how're you doing? Good?

I've finally begun work on my great novel. It hit me today at work (which wasn't really work, more like me sitting in a well-cooled room in a post office in bufu waiting for some dudes to pack some computers up (got paid for ten hours - only worked hardcore for about 90 minutes (suck on that, Kuhner) ) ), I've written so many story fragments with characters that stood out on their own. Why not just pull them all together in some sort of fantastic way? It's going to be a bitch trying to get it all squared away and polished up, but I'd say that I have a general plotline with each seperate character. I'd never noticed before that they all lived in their own worlds, where there was no one else but them. Now, it'll be like a little community. So far, this is what I've got:
(1) 2 men in West Texas looking for a hometown
(2) 1 old man in Illinois waiting for death in a college town
(3) 1 video store employee in a college town searching for a life
(3a) 1 neurotic, lonely, introverted roommate
(3b) 1 boisterous best friend/girlfriend/ex-girlfriend
(4) 1 man living in airports and airplanes
(5) 1 single mother of two children looking for relief
(6) 1 drunk in search of salvation
(7) 1 Businessman ruining everyone's day
(8) 2 women driving towards Chicago, getting away from small town life

That's it.

I'm not afraid to say this: Stop ripping off me Num.-Sys.