Monday, December 12, 2005

hi. scooter here. thought i’d chime in since i haven’t been by in a long, long time. oh i’m good, thanks for asking. just living it up in middle school day after day. it gets crazy this time of year, but it makes for interesting times. for instance, here’s a couple things that occurred in my immediate presence today:

3 girls came in 15 minutes late to class because of “drama among other bitches in school.” no pass. just late. yes, their words.

an 8th grade boy told me, “ima jump rope out ma mind.” this was a good thing.

a separate boy spat on the wall. flat out hocked a loogie during class.

while lifting, an 8th grader dropped a dumbbell on her forehead. apparently she was okay, because she told the other 33 students in class what happened, one by one. i for one heard the story 5 times. yeah, i counted.

a boy spilled his entire gatorade all over the middle of a doorway. he let everyone know it wasn’t his fault, though... so of course he didn’t clean it up.

along the same lines, but yet totally different, was the kid who puked all over the floor, then let it run down his chin on the way to the nurse. pizza and chocolate milk were the culprits. oh good god the smell...

some girl asked me, “what’s up with your hair?” her friend later tackled her during a 2 on 2 basketball game. straight up tackled. to the floor. it was awesome.

one kid went to the bathroom 4 times in 25 minutes. not sure why, and I didn’t ask.

alright, i’ve got more but that’s enough. this is getting long.....


Blogger scoots said...

no.. that's next week dude.

7:35 PM  

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