Monday, November 25, 2002


These differences are what I always liked about this group of people. Zach hates fantasy/dragon-type shit. Matt likes the cheesy stuff, like Dragonlance. Scooter digs Harry Potter. I'm more of a hobbit/LOTR officianado. Rick is way into dwarves and realms. I mean, to be honest, we've got it all going for us, don't we?

I vow never to watch a Harry Potter movie for as long as I live, with two exceptions: (1) if I'm dragged there by a chick that wants to make out afterwards, then so be it. I will sacrifice my credibility for some sweet, sweet sugar; (2) if I have kids and they want to watch it, then so be it. This is me we're talking about. I've got no credibility anyways, so God knows I'll probably read those damn books over Christmas break and own the movies by January.

Fuck that. Tolkien all the way.

I'm totally old-school fantasy/science-fiction. It was all I read, basically, through about sophomore or junior year in high school, which has fed into this complex that I have now where I will not read anything that has anything to do with fantastic type stuff in it, unless it's done in a postmodern-type setting, such as Carol de Chellis Hill's Eleven Million Mile High Dancer. I will, though, gladly go through The Lord of the Rings trilogy and various other books, such as The Silmarrilion, over and over again until the day that I die, because I love them so much. If it hadn't of been for that teacher in the fifth grade, I doubt I would be a reader at all. She sat us down and read The Hobbit to us during break time, and I fell in love with it. I've said this before, but I'll say it again -- I tried to write The Lord of the Rings II: The Return of the Entwives while I was still in junior high. If I can find any of my research and notes on it at home next weekend, maybe I'll scan some of it and put it up as a collection. It's scary, really, to think that one person (me) could've been that obsessed and dorky about something.

Oh well.


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