Friday, March 22, 2002


I can hear can "Disconnected" coming from Matt's room. Sounds like a bad 80s song amidst the clutter of the noises from the rest of the pad. Weird.

This cover band tonight ... wow ... like ... omigod! They played, in succession, Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle", Weezer's "Hash Pipe", and the Strokes' "Last Night". Now, I know that all of those are fairly big radio hits, by bands that we all know and love, with the possible exception of Weezer, who seems to keep getting worse and worse, but to hear a cover band play Jimmy Eat World, and play it fucking spot on was just odd, to say the very least. That solo, towards the end of that song, was fucking note for note. Even the harmonic notes at the very end. He played it all perfectly, and he sounded like Jim Adkins, and I just could not believe what I was seeing. Not only that, but quite a few people in the place, and it was packed, were dancing and singing along. Too strange.

I wonder how many of them actually saw Jimmy Eat World play a $3 show four years ago in town, at the student center. The cover band alone cost $5 to watch, and they only played one song. Probably nobody saw them, right? Not that I'm being uppity -- I'm just saying. It was so surreal. Cover bands aren't supposed to play Jimmy Eat World and the Strokes. It's just not supposed to happen. Luckily, most of the rest of their songs sucked for the rest of the night, except for Pearl Jam's "Evenflow", which is a damn good song, and was played absolutely perfectly, minus, of course, the bobbing back and forth of the skinny guitar player with the long hair and the stupid hats from the actual Pearl Jam. That guy always reminded me of Steve Vai for some reason. Crazy.

Sleep now. Bed to left. Looking comfortable. I took a two hour nap from 6:30pm to 8:30pm tonight, and it ... was ... awesome! Jayeah.


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